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V&A Waterfront and Nobel Square


The Victoria and Alfred Waterfront is situated in Cape Town’s harbour at the foot of Table Mountain in the beautiful mother city. The Waterfront is between Robben Island and Table Mountain and remains one of Cape Town's biggest tourist destinations. The Waterfront is in the heart of a working harbour and offers many activities including shopping, entertainment, aquariums, museums, and breath-taking views of Cape Town and Table Mountain.

In 1860, the second son of Queen Victoria, Prince Alfred, began to construct the harbour, and the Waterfront was named after him and his mother.  The Victoria Wharf Shopping Centre, Alfred Mall and Pierhead, and the Clock Tower are just a few of the many landmarks in the Waterfront. The Waterfront contains over 287 shops, including top designer shops, boutiques, markets, craft stores and workshops. There are also lots of restaurants, and coffee shops, and entertainment options such as cinemas, book stores, music stores and much more. This centre also offers unique South African items designed especially for tourists such as original African art and jewellery.

Nobel Square is one of the most famous landmarks in the Waterfront.  It is a tribute to South Africa’s four Nobel Peace Prize winners including large statues of former President Nelson Mandela, former State President FW de Klerk, Nkosi Albert Luthuli, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. These amazing sculptures were created by artist Claudette Schreuders and Noria Mabasa in 2002. The statues are a symbol of apartheid and struggle in South Africa. These four remarkable Nobel Peace Prize winners played an important role in the changes that altered South Africa’s history forever.