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Groot Constantia

Simon can der Stel of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), an enthusiastic grape vine-grower, came to Cape Town in 1679. And, it was decided that van der Stel and his family would be given 763 hectares of prime land in 1685, to farm to his heart’s content.

He called his farm Constantia, after a VOC ship, anchored in Table Bay. The farm did well and the Europeans loved van der Stel’s wine. As time went on, he expanded his operation and acquired more slaves, and Groot Constantia was born. After van der Stel died, the farm was passed down through the generations, surviving fires, diseases, droughts and financial crises.

Today it is a beautiful tourist attraction, a place where one can relax, enjoying wine tasting, picnics or one of the many restaurants at this historic site. The original manor house still exists, and the farm boasts a fabulous collection of art and historical artifacts.