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My Youth Leader


Q: What is the story about how you became a youth leader?

A : I have always wanted to get involved with youth at our church, and I have always loved working with young people, but I always felt that the time was not right or something or someone kept holding me back. I had even worked with LifeZone for a while, which I enjoyed. Then, I was presented with an opportunity to go on a retreat with the youth ministry at our parish, which was definitely an opportunity that God presented to me. On the retreat, the things we discussed really made sense to me and ignited my passion again for youth ministry, and as they say, the rest is history.

Q: Is this also the reason that makes you want to give back to the community (for example adopting a children’s home for a year)?  What made you want to get involved in that?

A: I believe that giving back to the community is an important part of personal development. It is important for us as leaders to expose young people to the reality of life. It’s also important for us to share our blessings, gifts, and talents with those that are less fortunate.

Q: Your decision to become a youth leader had its reasons, but what made you stay?

A: Youth ministry is both my passion and my gift. It’s not easy, but because it’s my passion I keep going. I love BASIC as well so that makes it so much easier.


Short Biography

Robyn is a youth leader at my church and she really loves to work with young people. She works in the marketing events sector at Old Mutual. Her favourite colour is orange. Her passions are youth ministry and she likes playing netball.