My Teacher- Mrs. Norma Adonis


I remember seeing Mrs. Adonis in primary school when I was in the lower grades, and she became my teacher in grade 7.  She is a wonderfully dedicated person that always tries to give her students the best and most enjoyable education that she can.

Each day, Mrs. Adonis used to read us a verse from the Bible and she helped us to understand it. She taught us the basics- at first to build a solid foundation in our schooling career, and then to start building on that.

Her attitude towards her job was wonderful, and she always taught us to work to the best of our ability. She even offered up her free time to provide extra classes on Saturdays to help us prepare for final exams. She gave us advice for the life ahead of us, which I must admit, does come in handy. She is someone that you can always count on when you need a shoulder to cry on, and she is always there for us if we need help-  she is always willing to help out.

When problems arose in class, she always managed to turn things around. She could make enemies become friends I tell you. She is a teacher that believes in hard work, and not just sitting back and relaxing. She taught us that you have to work hard towards what you want to achieve in life, and also that in life if you really want something, you have to work to go get it- you cannot just wait for it to come to you.

Mrs. Adonis knows a few members of my family and taught them too when they where in primary school. She has been teaching at the same school for more than 30 years, now is that not wonderful?  As she gets older, she has not lost her passion for teaching. She does not teach for the money, but because she enjoys what she does.

Mrs Adonis is someone that always believed in and had faith in me, and up to this very day, she still believes in me!

Even though I was not the type of student to be naughty, if I misbehaved, she would let my parents know because she knew them well.  She always tried to teach us right from wrong, and she knew that as we became teenagers knowing the difference would stand us in good stead in the years to come.