

The person I would like to write about is Peninah, she is someone I have known my whole life. She is very involved in our church and helps out in a few areas of the church where she can. She may not be perfect, but she is someone that we all look up to and turn to when we need help or advice. I have known Peninah as long as I can remember, and as the years go on, she has transformed into the type of person with qualities that one day I would like to have too.

Peninah sets an example for us by showing us good qualities that will help us become the best person that we can be. She helps me if there is something that I need. She gives me advice and all I have to do is ask. She has become very involved in the life of the church, and I hope that one day I will be too. She is very close in her relationship with God, and she is very knowledgeable too. She tells me things relating to the Bible to help me strengthen my relationship with God, but I do not need to ask her-  it is something that I can see within her every day.