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interview with Abdurrahman

Abdurrahman Daniels is a sales representative and director at the Cape Town Market situated in Epping. He is 57 years old and has been working here since he was in grade 10. He is married, and has children who are in their 20s.

Where were you born and where do you live?

I was born in Cape Town and I live in Rylands.

When did you start working at the Cape Town Market?

I started when I finished grade 9. My father was an informal trader at the time and he struggled to  support us financially because he was very young when he got married. Apartheid also impacted his education so he couldn’t finish school. I had to drop out of school and help my family.

What are your working hours?

The market is open 24/7 so it’s hard to determine. Sometimes I have to work late, but I always start around 6-7am.

What do you enjoy most about your job?  Least?

I enjoy that my job and the market is convenient. The relationships I have with my colleagues are great, and everyone understands each other. However, this job affects your social life because you work irregular hours- you make a lot of personal sacrifices for your clients.

What are some difficult challenges that you face?

A lot has changed over the years. Technology is improving everyday so I do fear that many of us may one day lose our jobs.  Sometimes we lose clients because certain fruits or vegetables are scarce. This definitely effects the economy and stops production.  We lose a lot of money during these times.

Who has been your inspiration in your life?

My dad definitely taught me the morals which I have learned. He came from a family with 38 siblings. Although he wasn’t educated, he tried his best to provide for us. He has taught me to appreciate everything and to value your principles.

Tell me about your daily schedule at work

I represent the farmers, and sell on their behalf. I usually start early and do the negotiations. It depends on when the buyers and stock is available. I handle the admin on behalf on the farmers and clients as well. I gain 5 - 7.5% commission from every purchase.

Which customers/businesses do you work with?

The biggest client I have at the moment is the grocery store chain, Pick n Pay. I have been supplying them for 20 years. I also supply Fruit n Veg, informal traders, chain stores, butchers and also stores in Botswana.

How do you see this industry in a couple of years?

The industry is going quite well at the moment. There will definitely be new technology which will probably do most of the work in the future. I believe this industry has the potential to grow and improve.

What advice can you give to someone about your job?

To be successful, you need to put in effort, stick to your principles, and appreciate life. Put your trust in God, be honest and trust people. Be willing to sacrifice for other people and good things will happen for you.