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Kendre- Manager of Oude Molen Stables

Kendre is the manager of Oude Molen Stables and owns 43 out of the 49 horses in the yard.

Why did you start the riding school?

I first started out by riding horse carts for collecting metal. But, I wanted to move away from that because of the way the horses were being mistreated and abused. I then decided to do saddle riding and trained my Uncle Lutti’s horse- he also taught me how to handle horses and how to take care of them. So, together with Howard Krut, I decided to teach the people in the community how to ride horses, as well as the dangers of working with them. We mainly work with abused horses, or horses that are in bad condition, and we try to rehabilitate them and get them back to a stable state. Ninety percent of the horses here at Oude Molen Stables have been rescued. 

How old were you when you first started riding?

I was 11 or 12 years old when I first started out which is when the carthorse association got me into the ILPH. This is where I learned about blacksmithing, saddlery and maintenance etc.

How did the boys end up working for you?

When I was much younger, I used to be a thug and was expelled from school. I didn’t know how to express myself, but working with horses changed that.  Because of my experiences, I have decided to teach kids how to handle horses to help keep them off the streets.  Many of the children come from poor homes or have dropped out of school, and there is a programme that sends problematic or aggressive people who need community service hours, to work here on the farm with the horses, and I’ve seen a big change in them all.

What is the best part about your job?

I like working with tourists. I love talking about where I’ve come from and the growth and experiences I’ve gained from working with horses. I show them how to take proper care of the horses, and also how beautiful Cape Town really is.

What are some of the difficulties you face from time to time?

Having to rehabilitate a newly rescued horse is difficult.  When people see them here, they often ask why we don’t feed the horses or why they look so bad.  We have to explain that we rehabilitate the horses which can take months or even years.

What career did you want to pursue when you were younger?

In primary school I wanted to be a policeman, but once I got to high school I wanted to become a veterinarian because of my experience with abused animals.

What was the most unexpected feeling you’ve experienced while working with horses?

Joy. I used to be very aggressive and I found myself talking to the horses quite often. I find it calming, because I could tell them anything, and they always keep my secrets. When I think of it now, I laugh because it seems silly, but it’s actually really therapeutic.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to become a horse whisperer and train aggressive horses and horses that have bad manners. I’d also like to do more work with tourists and show people what Oude Molen is all about.